Our services.
Looking for that rare Audi or Volkswagen vehicle?
We can help you to find that vehicle. All it takes for you to give us an email with quick details or a call about the vehicle you are looking to get, budget, desired location of delivery in Ontario or rest of the Canada. We take care of the rest.
Building a project?
Looking for that upgraded look with European parts or simply need a part to finish your project. We can possibly help you with this. Just let us know via email or any social media outlets what you are looking for and we will try our best to have that part.
How to find us?
You can find us at local Canadian shows in Ontario, Canada or some local car meets. We are friendly and more then happy to answer any question you may have. We operate through online base but more then happy to meet our clients in person to drop off parts, vehicles and discuss future imports.
Got Questions About
Import Proses?
Looking to import? Looks stressful and difficult? not an issue we can walk through all the fees and import from Europe to Canada or from Canada to Europe. We use various processes and partnership In Europe, Canada, USA. We can ship vehicles and parts via containers, skids, etc. across entire Canada.